Andrew's Destiny

Andrew's Destiny Cover
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Why the hell did I kiss her! Why couldn't I have used some self- control? But how was I to know she would throw herself into my arms as soon as I walked into the room - how was I to know she would kiss me with such passion? All I assumed she wanted was a hug, not for me to turn her innocent kiss into something hot and passionate but when I felt her in my arms, pulling me closer and kissing me - I was lost. For the first time in seventeen years I was pleased. Barbara, my wife, had come home.

You will have first encountered Andrew Bennett in Diana Daneri's first novel 'Kristina's Destiny' - here is Andrew's story. Unwanted and unloved, at the age of fifteen circumstances force him to run away. He finds himself in a sea side town on the west cost of England, where his life changes, is it for the better? Only time will tell. Again life delivers him a bad hand. Can he trust again, can he realise what love is before it too late? Destiny beckons to him and he makes a choice that will change his life forever.

This is the second book in 'The Destiny Series'


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Kindle Andrews’s Destiny is available on and as a Kindle e-book.