Kristina's Destiny

Kristina's Destiny Cover
(Click Cover to show full sleave image)

Kristina Bennett feels that life is passing her by, when out of the blue, she receives a letter from a solicitor. When they meet, he tells her she has a mysterious benefactor, she has also been offered a job in Colorado in the USA.

Kristina cannot believe her luck. Before she leaves though, she uncovers secrets that have been buried for many years. These secrets will change her life forever.

Will her life continue to change for the better among the beautiful rugged scenery?

Perhaps she will find her destiny in the arms of a stranger.

This is the first novel by Diana Daneri in 'The Destiny Series'.


amazon Kristina’s Destiny is available on and as a paperback.

Kindle Kristina’s Destiny is now available on and as a Kindle e-book.