Colleen's Destiny

Colleen's Destiny Cover
(Click Cover to show full sleave image)

Colleen O’Donnell had no idea how the death of her step brother would change the course of her life. Colleen has inherited from her father’s Irish side of the family, what can sometimes be called a sixth sense - can this be a curse? Only time will tell.

In a few short years she falls in love as a teenager, then marries an older man - here she quickly learns that love is an emotion very close to hate. Then in her early thirties, when her life looks as if it is changing for the better, once again happiness is taken from her.

This is a book full of love, hate and passion. Here we see another member of Kristina’s family, from the book Kristina’s Destiny, this time the author, Diana Daneri tells the story of Colleen O’Donnell - Kristina’s grandmother.

This is the 3rd book in the Destiny Series.

This is continued in ‘Colleen’s Final Destiny’


amazon Colleen’s Destiny is available on and as a paperback.

Kindle Colleen’s Destiny is available on and as a Kindle e-book.