My Captive Heart

My Captive Heart Cover
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As soon as Jessie walks into the kitchen and finds it in darkness, she senses something is wrong. The light is never switched off. Suddenly in the shadows she sees movement, and then a bag is pulled over her head. Despite struggling she is easily overpowered and forced down the stairs in to her own cellar ..... where her nightmare begins.

It is this fateful summers night that starts the chain of events that turns her life upside down and sends waves of turmoil at those closest to her, especially her childhood sweetheart who's heart she breaks.

She now has a new life ahead of her - full of Intrigue, Sorrow, Revenge and Heartache as lies unfold and love comes knocking when least expected.


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amazon My Captive Heart is available on as a paperback.

Kindle My Captive Heart is available on and as a Kindle e-book.