Lindsey's Destiny

Lindsey's Destiny Cover
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Lindsey's early life consists of moving from town to town, country to country. Although it is interesting, it is a lonely life for a young girl whose mother not only hates her but openly admits she never wanted her. Despite this, when the family moves to a village on the River Thames in Berkshire, England Lindsey meets a young man and falls in love. But life can be cruel and her happiness is snatched from her. Four years later at a college leaving party she meets the man of her dreams and this is the real beginning of her life.

This book has mystery , intrigue, love and sadness. It may perhaps bring a tear to your eyes but above all else it tells the story of a young woman who finds love and happiness. To those of you who have read Andrew's Destiny, you must read this book, the fifth and final book in the Destiny Series.


amazon Lindseys’s Destiny is available on and as a paperback.

Kindle Lindseys’s Destiny is now available on and as a Kindle e-book.